It’s your word against mine! Each letter tile is double-sided, same letter in black or red. 2 players take turns placing tiles on the board to either add on to an existing word or to connect to an existing word in crossword format. Every tile of the newly formed word or words is then flipped over to the letter color of that player. The player with the most colored letter tiles at the end wins. Don’t get too comfortable or overconfident. As new words are formed and letters are flipped, players can lose points as quickly as they were won. Every game changes at the switch of a flip. Includes 70 white letter tiles, 70 yellow letter tiles, 2 wood tile racks, game board, white canvas storage bag, yellow canvas storage bag, 10 letter distribution sheets, instructions.
7 Years – Adult
· Mensa Select
· Focus and concentration
· Spelling
· Visualization
· Strategic thinking
· Social skills